Workshops mit Natasha Wang

Price for 1 workshop: 75€ for Polestructions members and 85€ for external visitors.
5€ discount when booking more than one workshop.


Shapeshifting for Pole Creatures
This workshop will take foundational moves, and turn them on their head through accents, flourishes, grip variations and other movement techniques. Being able to climb and invert is recommended.
Level: Beginner-Intermediate


Polestands & Flow
Learn how to dance from the floor onto the pole and back down again as we learn acrobatic pole flow sequences incorporating pole handstands (shoulder stands, forearm stands, & handstands), as well as rolls, spins, sweeps and jumps.
Level: Intermediate-Advanced


Tumbles 4 Lyfe
Learn crowd-pleasing drops, flips and faux flips, tumbles and other dynamic pole movement, no gymnastics training required! This workshop will teach you safe, progressive techniques to get you from scared-to-death to death defying in 90 minutes.
Level: Advanced

Max. people allowed: 2 per pole
Sign-up via email to only.